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Vendor Spotlight: Curaleaf, A Company Focusing on Your Relationship with Cannabis

At Vireo Health, keeping our dispensaries stocked with the best and most effective cannabis medicines we can source is a big focus of ours. And while we’re both excited and proud to offer the Vireo Health products you know and love—everything from flower pods for vaporizers to edibles, tinctures, and beyond—we also go out of our way to source exceptional cannabis products from other vendors. 

That’s what brings us to the subject of today’s post: Curaleaf, a Massachusetts-based company dedicated to fostering the relationship between patient and cannabis. We love the focus and care they put into creating their innovative cannabis products; let’s dig in and find out what brought them into the cannabis realm in the first place.

curaleaf logo

Curaleaf: Focusing on Relationships

Like many cannabis companies, Curaleaf has gone through a number of changes since its founding in 2010. Initially operating in select East Coast markets and maintaining a research facility in Colorado, the company grew through the decade to the point at which, in late 2018, it announced what was hailed as the cannabis industry’s largest initial stock offering to date: $400 million.

How did Curaleaf manage the jump from a plucky startup to a leader in the fast-moving industry? Many believe it comes down to the company’s focus on a crucial aspect of cannabis medicine: The relationship between patient and plant. Unlike many pharmaceuticals, cannabis isn’t a “one size fits all” medicine. In fact, that was the thinking behind our own breakthrough offering, the Vireo Spectrum line, which offers medicines tailored to your personal needs and goals.

Much like Vireo’s methodology, Curaleaf’s approach takes into account each person’s specific physiology, history with cannabis—even if there is none!—and goals. The idea isn’t that taking cannabis will “cure” people. Rather, it’s that listening to peoples’ needs and then building on their relationship with cannabis greatly increases the probability of a fruitful and supportive interaction with the medicine.

Curaleaf: Dedicated to the Common Good

Another reason we asked Curaleaf to partner with us as a vendor is because of the company’s strong stance on social justice, responsibility, and other issues close to our hearts. As Khadijah Tribble—Curaleaf’s Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility—puts it: 

“It means making sure that at our company that we create policies and practices that extend a wide net to include underrepresented communities. Whether it’s African American, LatinX, veterans, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community, diversity equity and inclusion means creating practices, policies, and systems inclusive of individuals from all of the underrepresented populations inside of cannabis.”

With a large North American market share, Curaleaf is well-positioned to make good on those promises of inclusion and social justice. From the company’s generous donations to educational institutions in communities harmed by the War of Drugs to a continuing push for greater diversity of owners and stakeholders in the cannabis industry as a whole, Curaleaf is a company that demonstrates how it lives its values each and every day. 

curaleaf ground flower

Curaleaf: Exceptional Cannabis Products for New York

Last but certainly not least, we’re shining a spotlight on Curaleaf for the high quality of the products the company offers. From the carefully cultivated flower for use in Flowermate Aura and Pax 3 devices to the precisely formulated citrus-flavored edible gummies we offer, Curaleaf is a company we’re proud to do business with and showcase as our partner. Next time you stop by any of our New York dispensaries, ask for Curaleaf and enjoy a cannabis product from a company with real heart.

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