Archive of Category: Blog

by zachary uzupis

L’Chaim to Chanukah: How Cannabis Can Be Kosher

Chanukah commemorates the miracle of the oil that burned for eight days in the Holy Temple. It was thought to be a miracle because there was only enough oil to burn for one day. That oil is a focal point of Chanukah may explain why so many people infuse cannabis into this 8-day celebration. Some even joke that Chanukah has become an unofficial "high holiday." (Recall the "menorah bong" that became an internet sensation a couple of years ago.) Given...

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by zachary uzupis

Get the Facts: Why Choose Cannabis Over Opioids to Address Chronic Pain?

In 2017, when then-President Trump announced that opioid abuse amounted to a public health emergency, he was acknowledging a fact already sadly apparent to millions of Americans. The previous year,...

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