
Men’s THC Molecule Hemp T-Shirt


SKU: 2-US-VIRE-0018-000000034 Category:
Does Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol mean anything to you? You probably know it by its shortened name: THC, the pharmacologically active compound responsible for both medicinal and intoxicating properties of cannabis! Show off your knowledge and stump your friends with this t-shirt that carries a picture of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Great for trivia night or chemistry major meet-ups.


Made with 55% hemp and 45% organic cotton, this comfortable black t-shirt is engineered to be both durable and soft, the perfect combination. Wear this t-shirt and marvel your friends and family with the fun fact that it contains small amounts of THC!

Vireo has partnered with ONNO, a socially responsible company located in Boulder, Colorado, to create this exclusive line of premium hemp t-shirts. ONNO t-shirts are manufactured in small, family-owned production environments which are third-party certified to operate in compliance with local laws and internationally-accepted standards of ethical workplace practices. ONNO also buys carbon offsets from CarbonFund to balance the environmental impact of their operations.

Read our blog post to learn more about the difference between hemp and marijuana.